Hello Everyone,
As I enter 2006, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my primary network marketing program, Vortex Marketing Group. I also want to share some new developments that is occurring with the company.
Looking over 2005, all I can say is , “Oh What A Great Year” for us! There have been many changes, scheduling and rescheduling and for us team members who hung in there, the benefits are going to be tremendous. This company is so fast growing , it is just unbelievable.
Timing Can Be Everything:
It is hard to believe I joined this network marketing team over one year ago in its early Pre-Launch stage. At that time, I was somewhere in the 5600 member range. Currently, my V-Line has over 186,000 members below me. This is definitely a FIRST for me. Timing Has Been Everything!
Company Update:
CEO/President, Joel Sauceda and Brad Harris, VP has motivated core members to successfully recruit and build their teams. I can not tell you the number of emails I have read from affiliates expressing that for the first time, they were having success recruiting and building a downline. In spite of having failed in the past, they were finally experiencing success.
Vortex Marketing Group uses a simple system for signing up members at no cost. Prospects are invited in using a $199 Benefactor Voucher which gives them a Silver Position with the company. It Works! Corporate Office just announced the Benefactor Voucher Program has been EXTENDED to February 1, 2006.
Anyone desiring more information or would like to request a benefactor voucher can do so at: http://click-here-4.info/?i=31422/
Within the past three months, several large, major organizations joined under the Vortex 50,000 core member base. These additions resulted in a phenomenal, massive growth for our membership. Actually, VMG may have made a little bit of history in the industry’s rapid growth area! And, the numbers keep rising and rising.
As I recall, it was about September 2005, I emailed Joel Sauceda after I logged into my back office. There were over 46,000 at that time in my V-Line. Joel, replied just keep checking in , it’s going to get better. Yes, this is one CEO who still does personally reply to his emails. It doesn’t matter whether it is a question, concern or a member just giving some deserving praise.
Unlike many network marketing companies, Vortex Marketing Group does not currently have forums. The method of communication and staying in the loop is to read Daily News at the site. This is where members receive all the updates and new announcements. You can see an example of our daily news site at: http://www.vortexmarketinggroup.com/dailynews
Members having specific questions and concerns are addressed through direct emails to our corporate staff. Of course this direct pipeline to corporate staff makes all members feel like “heavy hitters”. Experiencing such rapid and expansive growth, I am not certain how long this will last. To date, I have not had one email go unanswered.
Xavier Gonzales is our IT Director who will be kicking off JBXNetSoft. This is the web design and hosting division of Vortex Marketing Group. Early 2006, this division will be in full swing. Many VMG members are already lined up to become Marketing Executives under Xavier’s leadership. Xavier is one terrific person and always welcomes members technology and internet questions.
Corporate Staff Additions:
Tom Paredes joined our Vortex Group in November 2005. Tom is President of International Expansion and has dramatically impacted VMG’s membership base. He has been responsible for bringing in thousands of new members. Tom is our MLM contributing mentor and brings over 28 years of experience and impeccable reputation in the industry to the Vortex Team.
I was very sad to learn that Tom suffered a heart attack last week and had to be hospitalized. Our CEO, Joel has been in constant contact with Tom and his family. Many members prayers and emails went out to Tom. We are ecstatic to learn from todays’ Daily News , Tom is recovering very well. He should be out of the hospital by Tueday, January 9th. We are looking
forward to Tom’s return.
Joe Daugherty is VP of the VoIP Divison of CashflowPC. This week Joe will be setting up training classes for the VoIP product and service. The supplier has given the go ahead to provide some new features and capabilities that will really leap Cashflowpc forward in providing VoIp service. These new developments and capabilities are expected to take place in January or February 2006.
Our newest corporate team addition is , Kathryn Rowoldt, Director ofCommunications. Kathryn provides a series of internet marketing training for members using our V-Vision Conference software. Members attending the training and meeting all the requirements become graduates and can advance to the next level of training.
The Vortex Marketing Group is NOW in business! Both the Cashflowpc Retail Center and VIP Rewards Program will be in full swing by late January or early February.
You can get more information about Vortex Marketing Group at:
May You All Have A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2006!
Christine Range
Internet Marketing Specialist
Quote of the Day:Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
- Frank Outlaw
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