Learning how to Draw Greatness Out Of You will give you immense power to change your situation, circumstances and your world. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, it’s where you’re going that counts. It doesn’t matter where you are starting from, it’s where you finish. Look at where you are going, not where you are.
There’s a lot of POWER in the word GREAT. Greatness is relevant to you, me and all of us in both our personal and business life. Make greatness come out of your mouth DAILY. Every morning when you wake up, make it a point to say, “ There’s Something Great In Me”!
We all have motivational gifts within us that help us determine our greatness in organization, administration and leadership abilities as well as our role in the world. Here are just some of the Principle Actions to take:
1.) See The Big Picture
Visualize the picture you have for your personal and business life AND the end result. Identify your dreams by asking yourself these reflection questions: What do I want to accomplish? What are my goals? How do I want my life to end? What do I want on my epitaph? What do I want to be remembered for or as?
2.) Break Down Major Goals
Break down major goals into small tasks, one step at a time.
3.) Accept Responsibility For Your Own Success
Don’t rely on others to determine your successful outcome. Take responsibility for your own success by motivating yourself to become organized. Know what resources are needed and how to get them. Think ALL of this through.
4.) Know When To Delegate
Know what can and can not be delegated. Recognize what skills are needed to complete your project. If you lack ability in an area, it might be much better to delegate this task rather than taking the time to learn it and then implement it ( even if it means paying to have it done). If you feel strong about a certain task that you feel only you can achieve the desired result, don’t delegate this. Do it yourself, based upon the visualization you have for it.
5.) Remove Yourself From Distractions
I know you are hearing this frequently. I can not stress enough the importance of removing yourself from distractions to achieve your goal at hand.
SIDE NOTE:When I am focused on a project I need to complete, I consciously establish a time and how long I am going to read my emails. If I don’t get through all of them, they just have to wait until the next appointed time. You can’t allow yourself to get distracted by all the offers, I don’t care how good and urgent they sound. Believe me, most of these offers are going to stay around on the Internet for awhile. And if they don’t, so what if you miss this one. You can rest assured, another opportunity is going to follow shortly – as long as we have online marketers and the worldwide web has PLENTY!
Just ask yourself this question: Is this the wisest thing I can do right now and does it help me accomplish my purpose?
6.) Be Willing To Endure Reaction
When you start to do great things, “Expect Reaction” (both positive and negative). Don’t concern yourself with negative criticism from others and don’t become disappointed. Even in terms of positive reaction, guard against “gloating” to the point that it causes you to deviate what you need to do to complete the task.
7.) Be Disciplined
Be disciplined enough to complete the task as soon as possible. What’s the task? Get It Done!
8.) Allow Yourself To Feel Satisfaction
Feel deep satisfaction and fulfillment in seeing the completed task...the finished product. Set some time aside to totally experience the satisfaction of getting it done, in other words – Give Yourself A Pat On The Back!
9.) Move On
Don’t Stop Here! Move on to the next goal that is going to help you ultimately achieve your dream.
10.) Protect Your Dream
When you start achieving success, you may feel an strong urge to go out and shout it from the mountain top. You just want to tell everyone about your great success. Don’t Do It! Keep Your Mouth Closed About Your Dreams. Why do I say this? From My OWN personal experiences and observations.
As you are walking down your path of New Beginnings, recognize and KNOW that we live in a world where some people do NOT want to see you to achieve success, for whatever reason (the reason does not matter). Just know they exist and some will try to sabotage your efforts, steal and destroy your dream. Don’t Expose Your Dream To Others! Leave this matter between you and your Maker.
SIDE NOTE: If you are going to accomplish great things in your life, you can’t do it all by yourself. You are going to need support and help from others. It is very important you choose people to help you who are LOYAL. There’s not a price tag you can put on loyalty. My final point, "Don’t YOU Walk the Path of Judas and Don’t Let Judas Walk the Path With You"!
Today’s Meditation:
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
Become A Winner In All Aspects Of Your Life.....
Here For Your Success
Christine Range
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