Blog Success Founder, Jack Humphrey has finally unveiled their monumental launch of what is being cited as the “be all that there can be” ultimate blogging training module, nothing short of the best blogging training center on the web. Full launch occurred December 2, 2008.
According to the buzz in the blogosphere, this is the long awaited piece of the pie that will allow any "Joe or Jane" blogger to build a presence, reserved only for the elite - to gain their share and position with the most profitable, highest traffic blogs on the web any niche. Designed for beginners and advanced bloggers.
The skeptic in me wants to shout out, “not so fast...blogger wanna make some money folks”. Just another guru trying to pry away your closely guarded hard earned cash for their next latest and greatest product launch. Such skepticism and sometimes bold truth might be the case were it not coming from Jack Humphrey and with his track record.
Reading much of Jack Humphrey’s coaching and mentoring material, I don’t recollect him being categorized as a guru or with the negative connotation that seems to come with the guru heading most recently. A primary focus I have observed is his efforts to bring necessary skills and knowledge to ordinary internet marketers so they could become more successful.
I would be totally amazed Jack Humphrey would attach his name, make far-reaching exaggerated (they all exaggerate somewhat- its marketing) claims, risk ruining his reputation at the expense of others to become even richer. Especially since the claims can be quickly validated or refuted.
This Blog Success training is espoused as bringing significant money making and increased traffic results to its trainees immediately. Every member is on a path to success from day one. Nothing is left to chance. That’s a very bold assertion.
We’re not talking results six months to a year down the road. Following the Blog Success Plan is suppose to render its members fast profits... a primary premise for developing this type of training module. That’s sticking your neck out pretty far and Jack Humphrey is not a stupid man.
The Founder, Jack Humphrey, has been around on the web for 10 years. His past 4 years of endeavors and business ventures elevated him to one of the most respected experts in authority building, link building, blog marketing and social marketing online today.
Reviewing this Blog Success Plan brought me to the conclusion that it's extremely comprehensive. Below is a very condensed version of How-To Answers that will be included, Keys to Success and Training Center Components. Get Blog Success Detailed Training Here
Blog Success Training Answers 5 How-To Questions
#1. How to make money blogging
#2. How to write great content
#3. How to market your blog professionally
#4. How to network and build a following
#5. How to set up your blog for the first time, choose a good domain name, and how to use every facet of software to blog like a professional
5 Keys To Blog Success
1) Mindset: learn what it takes to be a successful blogger from people who currently make tens of thousands of dollars with their blog.
2). Content: learn how to develop attractive content that gets people to link to you and makes your blog search engine friendly.
3) Traffic: learn all the latest techniques professional bloggers use for getting listed in the search engines, building links to your site, social marketing and networking.
4) Monetization: learn the best ways to make the most money with your site.
5) Technical: learn how to use the latest blogging technology available from set up, getting hosting, choosing the right domain name and running a highly profitable blog
Blog Success Training Center Components
Component 1: Proprietary Traffic-Driving Software - desk top applications to generate traffic, build back links and develop exceptional content.
Component 2: Professional One-On-One And Group Coaching From Staff – specialized and custom high-end coaching, training and support system inclusive of experienced programmers and marketers with 50+ years of collective knowledge.
Component 3: Video Training And On-Demand Support - comprehensive training program, teleseminars with featured expert and professional guests, video library with over 200 how-to videos on every aspect of publishing and marketing online.
Component 4: Custom High End Wordpress Templates – Free to members.
For anyone looking for a way to supplement their income or completely replace it, blogging certainly is one avenue to consider.
From all the Blog Success information I reviewed, the training center plan seems to have definitely not left anything to chance, from those who are new and may need some hand holding to more advanced users capitalizing on the latest technology software and insider information.
The one area that may be a drawback to many wanting to take advantage of Blog Success Training is the $97 a month membership fee.
However, Founder, Jack Humphrey indicates the first goal of the training is to show the trainees dozens of ways how to erase their membership fee so they do not have to concern themselves with this expense month after month.
Blog Success does provide a 30 day Money Back Guarantee to the enrolled members. Anyone who feels Blog Success is not for them or they are not succeeding, your money can be refunded within 30 days – no questions asked.
Aside from the monthly fee which has been seriously considered by building in money making tactics to recoup the fee, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Blog Success to any blogger in need or want of generating income.
. To Learn More About Blog Success Training Or To Sign-Up Click Here
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