I realize you may have been expecting further navigation series for Useful Link Spots. Details of these resources are forth coming in a few days. However, I'm taking a brief pause for the cause of a much needed blog makeover.
Blogger vs Wordpress
Several of my of knowledgeable, well-meaning online coaches have advised me to change my blog platform from Blogger to Wordpress. I've been told that Wordpress offers better plugins that are more compatible with Web 2.0 Social Media Marketing.
Following this expert advice is most likely the best way to achieve the results that I want the fastest. But to be just downright honest with you, I hate to just abandon something so near and dear to me. After all, this was my very first blog, my baby...I'm attached, I'm sentimental.
When it comes to search engine ranking, my mentor expressed Wordpress.com (not referring to org) blogs get better ranking than blogspot blogs. I'm thinking would Google really allow this to happen?
Anyway, my mentor is really good. He can read minds as well. Before I or any of my mentor's proteges could ask, he said "I know what you're thinking - Matt Cutts uses blogger and he gets great search engine results". His answer to our mental thought, You Are Not Matt Cutts!.
My mentor's bottom line, using blogspot simply does not present a professional image for serious entrepreneurs.
I would love for some of you Blogspot users to give your thoughts on whether using this platform means you don't have a professional site.
Have any of your blogger blogs been listed in top 10 search engines results?
Trackback Feature for Blogger Blogspot:
One of the features I found lacking in blogspot was the limited options for establishing Trackbacks in the comment section of my blog. Being a subscriber to many blogs, I felt at a disadvantage not having this feature.
Well, thanks to Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, I was reading his post Are RSS Suscribers Worthwhile If They Don't Visit Your Blog
Lo and behold, one of the comments provided a solution for placing trackbacks on Blogger.
Haloscan provides the blogger integration placing comment script to accomodate Trackbacks, Polls and Reviews. No programming is required - the process is simple and easy. I ran into a little snag uploading the xml file. The support staff responded in a very timely manner so I could add the feature.
Check it out here. Go on and leave a comment - How do you feel about the new look makeover? The added Trackback link?
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