If you need more income and another job is not the answer, this listing was designed for you!
Here’s Part 3: 100 Great Niche Home Businesses series:
16. BRONZING. Bronze (or pearlize) baby shoes etc. Make mementoes, awards and trophies. Design plaques and unique bases with emphasis on local needs such as Chamber of Commerce of company awards. Arrange engraved plates on plaques.
17. BRUSH CLEARING. With your truck, tractor and shredder, contract to clear brush and small trees from lots and acreage. Haul off excess debris or use a compost machinery to recycle and sell organic refuse. Offer to drag or level the cleared area.
18. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT. Buy surplus equipment from bankruptcy sales and auctions. Store and clean-up, but do not repair (let buyer do that). Advertise bargain prices for qualified buyers and sell at double or triple your investment.
19. CEMENT BLOCKS. Mold small orders of standard or custom blocks (building, stepping stones, curbs) in all shapes and colors. Make molds when necessary of plywood and tin. Take orders, sell from your "yard" and through nurseries.
20. TRUCK LETTERING. Use pre-cut, self-stick vinyl letters to produce long lasting, professional truck signs (no art talent required). Use chalk snap lines to mark lines and center, peel and press in place. Stock and offer a variety of letters.
21. CEMENT MARKERS. Make "engraved" cement or liquid marble markers and signs. Mold "backwards" letters into various colors and textures of plastic-like cement for carved in effect. Polish molded marker into a professional looking stone.
22. CHAIR CANING. Use cane, plastic or other interesting materials to weave seats and backs onto casual and picturesque chairs for clients. Buy old chairs with promise at bargain prices to re-glue, refinish, re-cane and sell at a profit.
23. CHINA AND GLASS DEALER. Collect and deal in antique and interesting china and glass items. Buy at auctions, antique stores, private and public sales and through your advertisements. Deduct travel expenses for buying trips and visits.
24. CITY LOT CLEAN-UP. Work with the city to learn of lots that must be cleaned up. Contract to do the required work on lots they designate (city adds bill to owner's taxes). Contact absentee (or local) owners to avoid future city actions.
25. CLIENT LISTINGS. On your computer, input and maintain customer (or business) information for small business types: customer info, purchases, credit records, employee information, etc. Provide periodic and custom sorts (including mailing lists) to clients.
26. COLLECTION AGENT. Represent one or more commercial agencies (don't tell one about another, though). Solicit delinquent accounts for collection from local businesses for a percentage of monies the agencies collect.
27. COIN SEARCHING. Buy rolls of coins from banks (whatever denomination you can afford). Search through them for coins worth over face value. Keep all of these and replace with "regular' coins and trade back in. Best in small towns!
28. COLLECTABLES. Accumulate collectables (glass, matchbook, baseball cards, and comic books). Make up (from common specimens) starter collections to sell to beginners. Sell valuable pieces individually to collectors (some you got started).
29. CONCESSION BOOTH. Operate a booth or stand at a recreation area, flea market, shopping mall or parking lot. Sell your own products and/or consignment items. Carry some attractively priced items just to attract more customers.
30. CURB PAINTING. With a stencil and fast-dry black spray paint house numbers on all curbs in a city block then go back and request a $2-$5 "donation" from occupants. Pass out circulars the day before announcing your service.
31. CUSTOM CLOTHING DESIGNS. Paint, block print or transfer unique or custom designs onto items of clothing: smocks, T-Shirts, jackets and fabrics to be made into clothing. Use designs, illustrations, cartoons, things of interest locally!
32. DESERT GLASS. Collect and sell sun-baked, weather-beaten glass in interesting colors. Make your own unique version by baking and/or sandblasting suitable objects with inexpensive equipment. Advertise your materials in hobby magazines.
33. DISTRESS SALES. Buy household items cheap at auctions and closeout sales. Clean them up and sell as your own right out of your living room because you need the money (e.g. to pay a fine), and never because you have new or better things!
34. DOLL HOUSE FURNITURE. Make exquisite, scale furniture for doll houses. Or, buy inexpensive imported items and upgrade them. Normally, a little re-enforcing, sanding and a coat of stain or polyurethane make all the difference in the world!
35. DRIFTWOOD ART. With sandblaster, power or hand held wire brush form and finish interesting pieces of driftwood (and other woods) into decorations, lamps, candle holders and plant mounts. Use deductible vacations to collect more driftwood.
If you still haven’t seen your great niche business yet, stay tuned in - there is 65 more chances for you to find a match…
My next post will be tomorrow where 20 more niches will be revealed.
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Christine Range
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